The Old English Bulldog is a rebreed of the 17th and 16th centuries English Bulldog. We breed them, to avoid the problems English Bulldogs have nowadays (too short nose causes breathing problems and because of heart problems, the condition is poor) After many careful crossings with the English Bulldog, Bullmastiff, American Bulldog and American Pitbull the Old English Bulldog could occur.
Rainbow Bulls Loebas is 5 years old and our stud dog. He has brought many offspring. Loebas is an Old English Bulldog, as we like them; he exudes power, has an honest character and is easy to handle. These features we see back in his pups.
The mother of Loebas is Bullforce Lay.
The father of Loebas is Phoenix Blue Strike. 
When breeding an Old English Bulldog we select on healthy dogs, which show no physical defects and are not aggressive. The Old English Bulldog is a dog, which is a great family dog.
A Puppy of Loebas.
A Puppy of Loebas.
Rainbowbulls Champagne
Rainbowbulls Amber (Champagne x Loebas)